Ehack Search Engine

Saturday, August 17, 2013

call of duty cheat

Allows the player to zoom around the level, going up with jump and down with crouch.ufo
Disables the on screen icons, such as radar and health. Useful for taking good screenshots.toggle cg_draw2d
Displays lines where the light comes through the leaves.toggle r_showLeafLights
Displays numbers on each texture.toggle r_showtricounts
Displays where you can access.toggle r_showportals
enemies ignore younotarget
Gives the player 10 Grenades and 1 Panzerfaust. May not work on some levels / crash the game.give ammo
Gives the player all weapons in the game as well as filling up health.give all
gives you a weapon, object or healthgive (insert desried object here)
Kills the player.kill
Makes the ground and walls white.toggle r_lightmap
Makes your weapons invisible. Useful for people with lag.toggle cg_drawgun
Puts the camera at the 3rd person view. You are usually invisible though.toggle cg_thirdperson
Puts the game in multi-colours.toggle r_measureOverdraw
Removes clouds and makes the sky lighter.toggle r_fastsky
Restarts the current level.map_restart
Shows scripts above all soldiers and highlights important objects.toggle g_entinfo
Shows some stats about the game in the console.r_vc_stats
Shows the game in wireframe.toggle r_showtris
Shows your co-ordinates in the console.viewpos
Some textures turn invisible.toggle r_lockpvs
Tells you what each texture is.toggle cg_drawshader
walk through wallsnoclip

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